Neil Harvey
Neil was born in Penzance, in the far west of Kernow. He and his wife Hazel spent 30+ years living and working overseas in Africa, the Middle East, Norway, Turkey, the Netherlands and on the island of Borneo (twice!), before settling in Saltash in 2019.
Neil has completed a circumnavigation, holds a commercially-endorsed Yachtmaster Offshore ticket and has worked as an RYA dinghy instructor. He now works freelance as a first mate with the Clipper RTW race fleet, helping to train the new crews to be ready for sea.
Neil has raced a variety of dinghies (including 470s, Lasers, ISOs, Kestrels and Bosuns) and currently owns a Cape Cutter gaffer from South Africa. He can often be found driving a Club safety boat or sailing as crew on TBJ's Inky Paper.